Example of Black Box Testing in Extreme Programming

Question :
Suppose we have an application that includes an interface (method) whose purpose is to find a "matching" record in a collection, if one exists. If none exists, the method is to return null.
The collection is large. Some users of this method have partial knowledge of the collection's order, so that they know that the record they want, if it is in there at all, occurs at or after some integer index in the collection.
So the method accepts a value, let's say a string /find/, to match the record on, and an integer /hint/, to be used as a hint to start the search. The first record in the table is numbered zero. The largest meaningful /hint/ value is therefore N-1, where N is the number of records in the table.
We want the search to always find a record if one exists, so that if /hint/ is wrong, but /find/ is in some record, we must still return a matching record, not null.
Now then. Assuming a black box, what questions do we want to ask, what tests do we want to write, against our method

Answer :
1. Generate various data sets to run the 'search' method against.

1a. Vary the number of items in the collection: create collections with 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1 million items for starters; it may be the case that we hit an operating system limit at some point, for example if the items are files in the same directory (ever done an ls only to get back a message like "too many arguments"?)

1b. For each collection in 1a., generate several orderings: increasing order, decreasing order, random, maybe some other statistical distributions.

1c. Vary the length of the names of the items in the collection: create collections with 0, 1, 10, 100, 1000 items, where the names of the items are generated randomly with lengths between 1 and 1000 (arbitrary limit, which may change as we progress testing).

1d. Generate item names with 'weird' characters (especially /, \, :, ; -- since they tend to be used as separators by the OS).

1e. Generate item names that are Unicode strings.

2. Run (and time) the 'search' method against the various collections generated in 1. Make sure you cover cases such as:

2a. The item we search for is not in the collection: verify that the search method returns Null.

2b. The item we search for is in position p, where p can be 0, N/2, N-1, N.

2c. For each case in 2b, specify a hint of 0, p-1, p, p+1, N-1: verify that in all combinations of 2b and 2c, the search method returns the item in position p.

2d. Investigate the effect of item naming on the search. Does the search method work correctly when item names keep getting longer? When the item names contain 'weird' or Unicode characters?

2e. Graph the running time of the search method against collection size, when the item is or is not in the collection (so you generate 2 graphs). See if there is any anomaly.

2f. Run the tests in 2a-2d in a loop, to see if the search method produces a memory leak.

2g. Monitor various OS parameters (via top, vmstat, Windows PerfMon) to see how well-behaved the search functionality is in regards to the resources on that machine.

2h. See how the search method behaves when other resource-intensive processes are running on that machine (CPU-, disk-, memory-, network- intensive).

source : www.agiletesting.blogspot.com

SmartParking System Development with Extreme Programming

1. Planning

User stories :

· Petugas memasukkan data authentikasi pada system (dilakukan sekali pada saat mulai bekerja sesuai shift yang telah ditentukan).

· Petugas memasukkan data nomor kendaraan pada system.

· System secara otomatis akan merekam jam pencatatan data sebagai jam masuk serta nama petugas yang log in pada shift tersebut

· Petugas akan melakukan print out data yang dimasukkan dan menyerahkannya pada pengemudi kendaraan yang bersangkutan.

· Pada saat kendaraan keluar, petugas akan kembali memasukkan nomor kendaraan pada system.

· Secara otomatis system akan mencari data kendaraan yang dimaksud, merekam jam pencatatan data sebagai jam keluar, melakukan kalkulasi lamanya parkir, dan memberikan keluaran (output) berupa jumlah biaya parkir yang harus dibayarkan.

· Petugas akan melakukan print out data dan menyerahkan pada pengemudi.

· Petugas akan menerima pembayaran dari pengemudi.

2. Designing

Mendefinisikan class diagram beserta atributnya:

1. user :




2. trx :








3. chargeParameter :


Note :

karena pada perangkat lunak yang akan dikembangkan hanya memiliki 1 jenis user (petugas parkir) yang akan memegang role ‘responsibility’ pada system, maka CRC card (class, responsibility, collaboration) untuk menentukan kolaborasi pada system digantikan dengan class diagram, sebagai berikut :

3. Coding

Setelah metode designing dilakukan, maka akan dilakukan pengkodean untuk membuat program dari sistem smart parking.

4. Testing

Setelah dilakukan pengkodean, dilakukan unit testing, apabila terdapat bug, system akan di-review kembali.

5. Incremental Release

Setelah melalui unit testing akan dilakukan incremental release, yaitu release software secara bertahap, misal SmartParking System V 1.1